Halloween with MoveUkraine

Several days ago, residents from four of our shelters (Mostyshe, Kalush, Bodnariv, and Shevchenkove) met for the first time at the Teremok shelter to celebrate and summarize the competition.
📍Two weeks ago, we offered each house of MoveUkraine in the Ivano-Frankivsk region two pumpkins grown in the Gardens of Victory (Mostyshe) to prepare creative crafts and tasty recipes. The children transformed the vegetables into incredible creations, while the ladies cooked dishes that our team, as well as residents from other houses, had the opportunity to taste.
💫 The winners were chosen by a group consisting of one representative from each shelter and Mariana, the executive assistant of MoveUkraine. We rewarded each participant from the first to the fourth place with gifts donated by our friend Hugh from the USA during his visit six weeks ago!
All the children who handmade pumpkin decorations and ornaments for the houses also received prizes.
🙏 It was a very warm and emotional meeting where everyone laughed, enjoyed getting to know each other, and had the opportunity to be happy in the moment. For MoveUkraine, it’s important to help people adapt to a new society and find new points of intersection with a new city and its people. Despite the war, life goes on, and we are grateful for each new day and the opportunity to be safe and alongside wonderful people.

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